Food & Water in an Emergency

In event of a major disaster, emergency services may be overwhelmed and will only be able to respond to life-threatening emergencies. If help takes hours, or even days to arrive, would your family be prepared to cope?

Emergency Kit Cook-Off:
The Emergency Kit Cook-Off is inspired by the nonperishable contents of a 72-hour emergency supplies kit. Specifically, the Kit Cook-Off challenges participants to find creative uses for the three day’s worth of food and potable water that you squirreled away for the family in case of an emergency. So take a look in your pantry and get cooking.

See the Emergency Kit Cook-Off on Facebook

American Red Cross:
Food and Water in an Emergency
Also available in
Tagalog and

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency:
Food and Water in an Emergency

Apartment Prepper:
Expiration Dates Explained
Storing canned foods for emergencies is one step in the process. Rotating them out by expiration date is necessary to assure fresh supply. Here’s how to understand dates stamped on the cans.

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), U.S. Department of Agriculture:
Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency

American Red Cross:
Food Safety – Korean